Important information: The sensor giant ST Microelectronics has generously agreed to provide a limited number of kits for iCAN Switzerland projets. Although teams are not required to use this kit for a project, you would be highly encouraged to do so. The is basically a mobile platform packed full of ST sensors for sensing motion and the environment. Data is easily accessible vie Bluetooth and thus can easily serve as a “sensor brain” for an unlimited number of applications. More information is here.
A limited number of kits are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
How to enter iCAN Swiss 2023
- Choose a project, team and coach. If you need help looking for ideas, a good place to start is the archives of past projects. Also, try looking at the iCAN International site for recently submitted projects from other countries.
- Identify a team leader who will be responsible for all correspondence, including submitting the project abstract for evaluation.
- Verify that your team meets the qualifying criteria (this page).
- Download the abstract here »» iCAN2023_abstract_template.
- Complete your abstract (instructions are in the template). 1 abstract per project.
- Email the PDF document to by:
February 28, 2023
Deadline Extended: March 31, 2023 - Teams will receive notification of acceptance / rejection within 1-2 days after a submission. Successful teams can then start building their prototype.
- Final reports by accepted teams are due by April 27, 2023
- Team presentation to jury and Swiss Selection – May 2023 in Neuchâtel.